RRB ALP CBT 2 HEAT ENGINE (8 Feb 2019 Shift 1) Question With Answer


RRB ALP CBT 2 Exam Pattern

SectionContentNo of QuestionDuration
PART AMathematics,
General Intelligence & Reasoning,
Basic Science & Engineering,
General Awareness on Current Affairs.
10090 Mins
PART BRelevant Trade:-
Mechanical Engineering- Fitter / Mechanic Motor Vehicle / Tractor Mechanic / Mechanic Diesel / Turner / Machinist / Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic/ Heat Engine /Millwright Maintenance Mechanic
Electrical Engineering- Electrician / Instrument Mechanic / Wiremen/Winder(Armature) / Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic
Electronics Engineering- Electronics Mechanic / Mechanic Radio & TV
Automobile Engineering- Mechanic Motor Vehicle / Tractor Mechanic / Mechanic Diesel / Heat Engine / Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic
7560 Mins
Total Questions and Marks175120 Mins
RRB ALP Exam Pattern – CBT 2

Important points to be remember-

  • The minimum qualifying marks for CBT 2 Part B are 35% i.e. 75×35% = 26.25 out of 75 for all candidates irrespective of the category.
  • 1/3rd marks shall be deducted for each wrong answer.
  • No Marks deducted for unattempted question.

Here we uploaded RRB CBT 2 (2018 Requitement) ALL Previous year TECHNICAL Question Paper related to Mechanical Engineering one by one. As we know every aspirants wanted previous year questions for clearing concept and to know the question pattern but for that a lots of time wasted on internet ultimately got nothing fruitful. Even after if anyone got the question paper that also Charged by big website or coaching center. Although that is small amount for them but that is HUGE Amount for students coming from Rural place OF India. So here we decided to give it completely FREE OF COST.

FITTERRRB ALP CBT 2 FITTER (21 Jan 2019 Shift 1) Question With Answer
RRB ALP CBT 2 FITTER (21 Jan 2019 Shift 2) Question With Answer
Mechanic Diesel To Be Uploaded Very soon
HEAT ENGINERRB ALP CBT 2 HEAT ENGINE (23 Jan 2019 Shift 3) Question With Answer
RRB ALP CBT 2 HEAT ENGINE (8 Feb 2019 Shift 1) Question With Answer

All questions are taken from Original Answer key given by RRB. YANTHRIST is NOT associated with Railway Recruitment Board(RRB) or Indian Railways. we try our best to provide the same questions, if any Questions found incorrect we really sorry for that, please give us your valuable feedback so that we can Improve ourselves to give you better content in future.

RRB ALP CBT 2 HEAT ENGINE Question with Answer of 8 Feb 2019 Shift 1


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If you are satisfied with our work then share it in your Facebook or WhatsApp study group or with your 5 friends who preparing for RRB Exam and take a screenshot & send it to admin@yanthrist.com And Our Team will send you RRB ALP All Previous year’s GENERAL SCIENCE Question at FREE OF COST.

#1. Heat engine converts chemical energy of fuel into

#2. Distance between the centres of front and rear wheels is known as

#3. Unit of capacitance is

#4. Snips are also known as

#5. ____ is not a part of the transmission system

#6. In petrol engine air and fuel are ignited by

#7. Unit of resistance in electrical circuit is

#8. Function of a flywheel in automobiles is

#9. Incorrect free play in clutch will result in

#10. Gear ratio is defined as

#11. In two wheeler motorcycles we use

#12. Function of bearing in gear is to

#13. ______ converts the rotation of the steering wheel into a swiveling movement

#14. Which of the following is a trapezoidal thread?

#15. How many axles are there in 4-wheelers?

#16. Four stroke engine has how many revolution of crankshaft within one power stroke?

#17. Two stroke engine has how many revolution of crankshaft within one power stroke

#18. Which of the following is usually used to connect other components of a drive train that cannot be connected directly connected because of distance or it needs to allow for relative movement between them

#19. Which of the following is correct relating to Ohm's law? (I=Current, V=Voltage, R=Resistance)

#20. Which of the following is essential to provide an alternative path for dangerous currents to flow so that accidents due to electric shock and damage to the equipment can be avoided

#21. Which of the following is a safety device used to limit the current in an electric circuit by melting itself due to overheating?

#22. We should wear goggles while welding to

#23. ________ is used to increase the low voltage of battery to a very high voltage to produce spark within the engine cylinder for the combustion of fuel

#24. Which of the following is used to form a permanent connection between electronic components?

#25. A mechanical device which engages and disengages two rotating shafts is known as

#26. Damper springs are used in clutch to

#27. '30 mm' rivet specification indicates

#28. In diesel engine fuel is ignited by

#29. Coupling is a device used to

#30. C clamp is used for

#31. The function of valve in engine are

#32. In petrol engine cylinder

#33. Hydraulic brakes work on

#34. In context of heat engine, carburetor is a device used to

#35. Size of gear is denoted by

#36. Dial test indicator is used for measuring

#37. In forging operaton

#38. (**) in which context of electrical circuit the following symbol is indicated?

#39. In arc welding, electric arc is created between

#40. Which of the following springs is used in heavy vehicles?

#41. Multi plate clutches are also known as

#42. Petrol engine is also known as

#43. Backlash in gear is

#44. Torque transmitting capacity of a single plate clutch is

#45. Purpose of leaf spring is to

#46. Bevel protractor is used for

#47. 6 wheelers have how many axles?

#48. Which of the following is generally used for tyre pressure

#49. Which of the following clutch does not use friction for its operation?

#50. Unit of inductance is

#51. Pistons are commonly made of

#52. Which of the following is not a part of an automobile engine

#53. If size of bolt is M16, 'M' stands for

#54. Which of the following is used to draw parallel lines and find the centre of round section material?

#55. Compression ratio of petrol engine is

#56. In context of heat engine, strainer is used to

#57. Snips are used to

#58. In positive drive system

#59. Vernier calliper main scale coincides with vernier scale zero position at 15 and vernier scale division coinciding with the main scale is 30. If least count is 0.01 then the measured dimension is

#60. SI unit of velocity is

#61. Which of the following is not a part of carburetor

#62. Petrol engine works on

#63. Which of the following is not a function of seal used in a gear box?

#64. Angle between the vertical axis of the wheels used for steering and the vertical axis of the vehicle when viewed from the front or rear is known as

#65. In welding MIG stands for

#66. In BS4 engine, BS stand for

#67. In cars, gears are used to?

#68. M30 size of bolt means

#69. Which of the following is used to provide a seal between the piston and cylinder wall

#70. Which of the following is not a good method for gearbox lubrication?

#71. Lubrication is used in gear box to

#72. If three resistors R1, R2 and R3 are in series, the total resistance is____.

#73. When we apply brakes in a vehicle

#74. In brazing, which of the following action takes place?

#75. A synchronizer is a kind of clutch which _______


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