RRB ALP CBT 2 exam is the second stage computer-based test for the selection of Assistant Loco Pilots (ALP) and Technicians in the Indian Railways by Railway Recruitment Board. Aspirants who qualify the CBT-1 will be shortlisted for CBT-2. The CBT-2 will consist of two sections: Part A and Part B. Part B will be of qualifying nature consists of relevant technical question only. whereas the marks of Part A will calculated for final merit list preparation.
RRB ALP CBT 2 Exam Pattern
No of Question
Mathematics, General Intelligence & Reasoning, Basic Science & Engineering, General Awareness on Current Affairs.
90 Mins
Relevant Trade:- Mechanical Engineering-Fitter / Mechanic Motor Vehicle / Tractor Mechanic / Mechanic Diesel / Turner / Machinist / Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic/ Heat Engine /Millwright Maintenance Mechanic Electrical Engineering-Electrician / Instrument Mechanic / Wiremen/Winder(Armature) / Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic Electronics Engineering-Electronics Mechanic / Mechanic Radio & TV Automobile Engineering-Mechanic Motor Vehicle / Tractor Mechanic / Mechanic Diesel / Heat Engine / Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic
60 Mins
Total Questions and Marks
120 Mins
RRB ALP Exam Pattern – CBT 2
Important points to be remember-
The minimum qualifying marks for CBT 2 Part B are 35% i.e. 75×35% = 26.25out of 75 for all candidates irrespective of the category.
1/3rd marks shall be deducted for each wrong answer.
No Marks deducted for unattempted question.
Here we uploaded RRB CBT 2 (2018 Requitement) ALL Previous year TECHNICAL Question Paper related to Mechanical Engineering one by one. As we know every aspirants wanted previous year questions for clearing concept and to know the question pattern but for that a lots of time wasted on internet ultimately got nothing fruitful. Even after if anyone got the question paper that also Charged by big website or coaching center. Although that is small amount for them but that is HUGE Amount for students coming from Rural place OF India. So here we decided to give it completely FREE OF COST.
All questions are taken from Original Answer key given by RRB. YANTHRIST is NOT associated with Railway Recruitment Board(RRB) or Indian Railways. we try our best to provide the same questions, if any Questions found incorrect we really sorry for that, please give us your valuable feedback so that we can Improve ourselves to give you better content in future.
RRB ALP CBT 2 HEAT ENGINE Question with Answer of 23 Jan 2019 Shift 3
Congratulations..!!You clear CBT 2 PART B HEAT ENGINE EXAM in first attempt that’s Amazing. Today you go one step ahead to your Goal.If you are satisfied with our work then share it in your Facebook or WhatsApp study group or with your 5 friends who preparing for RRB Exam and take a screenshot & send it to admin@yanthrist.com And Our Team will send you RRB ALP All Previous year’s GENERAL SCIENCE Question at FREE OF COST.
Congratulations for your attempt, but you left behind to qualify exam by a little marks. That’s completely Ok, One failure can’t decide your ability.
If you are satisfied with our work then share it in your Facebook or WhatsApp study group or with your 5 friends who preparing for RRB Exam and take a screenshot & send it to admin@yanthrist.com And Our Team will send you RRB ALP All Previous year’s GENERAL SCIENCE Question at FREE OF COST.
#1. Air filter used in High speed Disel engine are type of
#2. What is material used for making Pistons
#3. Function of alternator in a vehicle is to
#4. Water circulation in thermo syphon cooling system is caused by
#5. Which type of governor operation must be effective if system is air tight?
#6. Composition of gun metal
#7. Clearance between mating parts is measured by
#8. When tolerance is given one side of basic dimension it is called
#9. In starting stage of diesel engines by electric power what is used to supply power to starter motor?
#10. Purpose of injector on Disel engine to inject
#11. A governor is a
#12. Which is used to measure break power of an engine
#13. In Disel cycle combustion takes place at
#14. Vernier depth gauge is used for measuring
#15. What is the part of universal surface gauge which helps to draw a parallel line along a dotted edge known as
#16. Flatness and squareness of surface checked by
#17. What is drawn in cylinder of diesel engine during suction stroke?
#18. Micrometre can measure upto
#19. Wire gauge is a measurement of wire's ______.
#20. What is working rate called
#21. The stroke of engine is not related
#22. Which is not symptoms of poor clutch operation
#23. A cutting tool used to finish and enlarge hole is
#24. Which of the following is a part of Combination set
#25. Coolant used for reaming aluminium work piece is
#26. Ammeter used to measure
#27. Piston rings are made of
#28. The ignition condenser - choose correct answer
#29. Why is free play in clutch needed
#30. SI unit of pressure is
#31. The instrument used to measure high temperature is
#32. When using vernier height gauge, it should be on ____.
#33. Indicated work per cycle is equal to
#34. Jenny spanner is also known as
#35. Belt slackness is due to
#36. Identify the material used for twist drill
#37. A hole drilled between the crankshaft main journal and crank pin for
#38. Mechanism used to control speed of engine
#39. Cyaniding and nitriding are types of
#40. Diesel engine usually emits excessive smoke during
#41. The principal of a radiator of an engine cooling system is to
#42. Rivets are generally specified by its
#43. Air chisel is operated to cut or brake metal
#44. To increase output voltage battery cells are connected in
#45. Purpose of thermostat to keep engine
#46. Outside threads cut by
#47. The drive for Disel fuel feed pump is taken from
#48. Pneumatic system is related with
#49. A fuse in an electrical circuit blows as a result of high
#50. Which one of following fuel injection system was originally used in large stationary and marine engine and is now seldom used?
#51. Much of heat of heat exchanger is recovered by use of
#52. The instrument used to measure cylinder bore diameter is
#53. In diesel engine fuel is ignited by
#54. Connecting rod is made up of
#55. The purpose of Dynamo
#56. Identify point angle of center Punch
#57. Higher efficiency for OTTO cycle can be achieved by
#58. A maintenance free battery
#59. Point angle of twist drill for general purpose is
#60. A depth micrometre can be used to measure
#61. The electronic is triggered on and off through
#62. The tool used for laying out diameter is
#63. On which principle brakes work
#64. A lubricant required to run a machine
#65. To measure cylinder bore which instrument is used
#66. Groove provided on entire length of body of twist drill are called
#67. Scavenging is done to maintain
#68. The ratio of BHP and IHP is called
#69. Vernier caliper is used to measure
#70. Combustion of air fuel mixture in petrol engine takes place in
#71. Noise produced in cylinder of diesel engine during combustion usually when fuel oil has a low ignition