RRB ALP CBT 2 MECHANIC MOTOR VEHICLE (23 Jan 2019 Shift 1) Question With Answer


RRB ALP CBT 2 Exam Pattern

SectionContentNo of QuestionDuration
PART AMathematics,
General Intelligence & Reasoning,
Basic Science & Engineering,
General Awareness on Current Affairs.
10090 Mins
PART BRelevant Trade:-
Mechanical Engineering- Fitter / Mechanic Motor Vehicle / Tractor Mechanic / Mechanic Diesel / Turner / Machinist / Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic/ Heat Engine /Millwright Maintenance Mechanic
Electrical Engineering- Electrician / Instrument Mechanic / Wiremen/Winder(Armature) / Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic
Electronics Engineering- Electronics Mechanic / Mechanic Radio & TV
Automobile Engineering- Mechanic Motor Vehicle / Tractor Mechanic / Mechanic Diesel / Heat Engine / Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic
7560 Mins
Total Questions and Marks175120 Mins
RRB ALP Exam Pattern – CBT 2

Important points to be remember-

  • The minimum qualifying marks for CBT 2 Part B are 35% i.e. 75×35% = 26.25 out of 75 for all candidates irrespective of the category.
  • 1/3rd marks shall be deducted for each wrong answer.
  • No Marks deducted for unattempted question.

Here we uploaded RRB CBT 2 (2018 Requitement) ALL Previous year TECHNICAL Question Paper related to Mechanical Engineering one by one. As we know every aspirants wanted previous year questions for clearing concept and to know the question pattern but for that a lots of time wasted on internet ultimately got nothing fruitful. Even after if anyone got the question paper that also Charged by big website or coaching center. Although that is small amount for them but that is HUGE Amount for students coming from Rural place OF India. So here we decided to give it completely FREE OF COST.

FITTERRRB ALP CBT 2 FITTER (21 Jan 2019 Shift 1) Question With Answer
RRB ALP CBT 2 FITTER (21 Jan 2019 Shift 2) Question With Answer
Mechanic Diesel To Be Uploaded Very soon
HEAT ENGINERRB ALP CBT 2 HEAT ENGINE (23 Jan 2019 Shift 3) Question With Answer
RRB ALP CBT 2 HEAT ENGINE (8 Feb 2019 Shift 1) Question With Answer

All questions are taken from Original Answer key given by RRB. YANTHRIST is NOT associated with Railway Recruitment Board(RRB) or Indian Railways. we try our best to provide the same questions, if any Questions found incorrect we really sorry for that, please give us your valuable feedback so that we can Improve ourselves to give you better content in future.

RRB ALP CBT 2 MECHANIC MOTOR VEHICLE Question with Answer of 23 JAN 2019 Shift 1


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If you are satisfied with our work then share it in your Facebook or WhatsApp study group or with your 5 friends who preparing for RRB Exam and take a screenshot & send it to admin@yanthrist.com And Our Team will send you RRB ALP All Previous year’s GENERAL SCIENCE Question at FREE OF COST.

#1. The centre part of typical universal joint is called

#2. Between ring and pinion gear which works as heat expansion and Lubrication?

#3. In rear axle which is used between axle retainer plate and housing to limit axle end Play?

#4. The taper shank drills should be mounted on machine spindle by means of

#5. What is the function of sensor in MPFI System?

#6. Maximum oil pressure Lubrication is controlled by

#7. What is determined while measuring a component?

#8. Taps are re sharpend by grinding

#9. Which type of rims are generally used for light vehicle?

#10. Track rod is connected to track arm by a

#11. A ______ is mounted on the rear end of a crankshaft.

#12. Which of the following is the function of flywheel?

#13. Which fire extinguisher is suitable for live electrical fire?

#14. Spark plug of automobile consists of two electrode, one is ground electrode and other is

#15. Which of the following type of steering gear box is widely used in passenger cars?

#16. The part that must be fitted in piston to ensure a good seal with cylinder wall is called

#17. The sensor which measures the outside air entering the engine

#18. Distributor type FIP is also called

#19. Identify following locking arrangements

#20. Which tool is used to remove and refit valves in cylinder head

#21. Pneumatic study deals with study of systems operated with

#22. The purpose of holding the hammer handle at its end to

#23. Rotary motion of steering wheel converted to reciprocating motion by

#24. What does NDT stand for?

#25. Piston pin connects Piston & ______.

#26. What controls the fluid metering & delivering in MPFI system?

#27. Gear box and Differential enclosed in together in a box called

#28. A turbocharger is mounted on the

#29. Which of the following is common reason for using aluminium sheet?

#30. Which component acts as a drive device in automobile Air conditioning?

#31. Which of the following converts rotary motion to linear motion?

#32. In multi cylinder which arrangment is considered simplest?

#33. Supercharging in marine engine is done to

#34. Which type of lifting equipment used in service station of vehicles?

#35. Function of an alternator is to

#36. In distributor less ignition system, distributor is replaced by

#37. Ammeter is connected to circuits in

#38. Two commonly used semiconductor material are

#39. Which of the following is not a heat treatment process?

#40. A 12 volt lead acid battery consists of

#41. CRDI Stands for

#42. Which of the following doesn't require coolant during reaming?

#43. The exhaust manifold of small diesel engine made of

#44. The chisel will dig into material when

#45. The opening and closing of Valve related to piston movement called

#46. The choke in the carburettor is generally used when the engine is

#47. The colour of negetive plates of lead acid battery is

#48. The cylinder head is a single casting bolted on the top of the

#49. In distributor less ignition systems, it can be adjusted manually by

#50. Which of the following is a temporary joint?

#51. A die is

#52. In an overhead valve system cylinder head supports the

#53. The tapper shank drills held on machine by means of

#54. In diesel engine fuel and air mixed in the

#55. Stoichiometric ratio is related to

#56. The most common base material for ICs is

#57. Which of the following is used to check the gap between contact breaker points?

#58. What is the function of hydraulic pump in hydraulic systems?

#59. Which of the following is not a part of MPFI System?

#60. A radiator core should be cleaned

#61. Viscosity of a fluid offers resistance to

#62. Which part of piston is subjected to High pressure and temperature?

#63. Theoretically ignition in an engine should occur at

#64. Which is used to measure ovality of cylinder bore?

#65. The fuel injection timing in a distributor type injection system is controlled by

#66. Headlights are also used as

#67. Connecting rod are made of

#68. What is the purpose of fog light?

#69. In Differential the crown wheel is attached to the

#70. An alternator is generally fitted at _______ of engine.

#71. Which of the following conductor is used in bulbs?

#72. Halon extinguisher are filled with

#73. Which fuel injection pump has plunger and barrel assembly for each cylinder of engine

#74. In automatic transmission letter R denotes

#75. A bent snip is used for


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